Welcome Concerned Citizens of Euclid

Welcome to the Euclid GOP Club website. Our purpose is to have civil discourse with all who are curious of the political process and put them to task by keeping our public servants responsible. We look forward to keeping everyone informed on issues within our city and hope that you’ll join our cause. Stay informed by coming to our meetings, which are held on the 3rd Tuesday every month at 7PM at the Euclid Public Library.

Not conservative? Great! We still welcome you to open your mind and explore other viewpoints, as our mission is to see that Euclid thrives in the best ways possible. This November is not about not straight-cut left or right politics: it’s about people coming together to discuss the issues and form plans of action to ensure our not only our city’s future, but also our children’s future here.

Let’s make our city great again!


Euclid GOP facebook

November 2018 Issues

Responsible Euclid Citizens for Equitable Taxation campaign page